Some people say that you can tell what you want to do in life as early as elementary school. For some people, that's true. I've known people that have said that they wanted to be a fireman or in the military when they were in grade school that have gone on to become those very things. But for most of us, well at least those who are like me, that decision or revelation does not come until much later. For me, I knew what I wanted to do when I was in high school. After I went through a lot of personal and traumatizing situations, I knew that I wanted to help people. But I was not sure which kind of helping I wanted to do until I got to college. It was there that I discovered Psychology and found my calling. I want to help people and become someone that they can trust when they need someone to talk to that is unbiased, genuine, and real in therapy. That has been my passion and goal since I was younger. People always seemed to come to me with their problems, so it makes sense for me to find that as my calling.
Now I'm in my third week of graduate school and feeling a little overwhelmed as I'm in a new city with no one I know. This is the path that I've been set on a long time ago and I intend to see it through, even if I feel lost and alone right now. I have been trying to make friends, but it is so difficult when everyone already seems to know each other and doesn't wish to befriend the new person. Sometimes I think that I made the wrong decision in coming to San Angelo, but then my program is great and I really enjoy my classes at the same time. Where do I find the balance? What makes it worse is when I feel as though very few people care about me from home. I just wish that I could skip the next two years and be done with school to move on with the part of my life that I wish to be at. To find a place where I can call home and actually know someone there I can spend time with rather than eating my lunch and dinners alone. Maybe it won't be so bad once I start working...I can hold onto that hope and think that it will get better. If not, then maybe I can do most of my classes online when I'm in practicum and commute for what classes I can't from Abilene. These are all things I need to talk with my adviser about and see what she thinks. Maybe it'll be best for me since I seem to like online classes better.